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Special Delivery by Keah Mason

The REAL Women Rock Blog Posts Are Back!

Anyone kinda addicted to Amazon? Me too! Every summer, I create a wish list of items for my classroom for the upcoming school year. Every single time, my generous family and friends purchase the supplies I requested, and I am one grateful teacher.

I moved this past October and while I updated my shipping address with Amazon, I didn’t realize that I also needed to update it on my classroom wish list as well. Oppps. On a Friday afternoon, a friend texted me and asked if I received some items from her. Unfortunately, I hadn’t. Why not? Because they had been delivered to my old address. Dang it.

Disappointment, Not Panic

I was so disappointed. My friend had been nice enough to send me things for my students and now we’d have to work to hopefully track them down. I felt bad that she could potentially lose and waste her money. I immediately texted the new owner of my former house and asked if there were any Amazon packages delivered there for me, but he never responded. I got on the phone with customer service to explain the situation, and I was told to call back the next day. Help seemed nowhere in sight.

I wasn’t necessarily panicked, but I really did feel heavy about my error with not ensuring my shipping address for the wish list was updated. I knew I’d call Amazon back the next day, and hopefully, the situation could eventually be resolved. But I also wondered…how many other items were shipped to the old address? Would I ever actually receive those items? The thought that they could be potentially “lost” for good made me feel uneasy. I felt guilty for wasting people’s time and money.

The Waiting Game

We’ve all requested something and then just simply had to wait on its arrival. Not always knowing when, how, where, who, or any details, we must just wait. I don’t know about you, but for me, waiting feels like a burden. My mind races, I worry, and I feel anxious, not to mention simply impatient. Often times, I even wonder why others are getting their “things” before me. Where’s my stuff? Am I undeserving of it? Is God denying my requests?

The same evening I realized I had missing packages from Amazon, I got a surprise phone call from a good friend of mine who is also my co-worker. He said, “Hey Keah, you just got a special delivery from Amazon. I left the packages at your front door”!

Yes, my new front door at my current address. And no…he doesn’t deliver for Amazon. See, this friend use to take care of the lawn at my old residence and he continued the service for the new owner. He had been there that evening cutting the grass and the owner remembered that we worked together. So, he asked him if he could give me the packages. Yep, the same guy that didn’t return my text message, but gave my co-worker the packages to give to me. Because my co-worker knew where I currently lived, he dropped my packages off to me. So that same evening that I just couldn’t track where my stuff was, I ended up receiving my packages. What a special delivery!

The Lesson

I see God’s hand all over this situation. As we wait for things we’ve requested, it can be hard to simply sit still and trust. Many times, we may feel completely forgotten. But I’ve learned so much from this experience. What is meant for us to have, what belongs to us, and what is truly for us… will always make its way to us. No matter what. It may have taken a detour to create a beautiful story that becomes part of our journey and ignites the deepest gratitude in us, but we will receive what has our name on it.

I had no idea what was happening behind the scenes of those items getting to me, but God knew all along. He put people in place and used them to deliver what I had requested and what someone had purchased and intended for me to receive. And let me share with you…the same God that will ensure that I receive school materials for my classroom, is the same God who will deliver what’s for you too. Trust the process.

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